
Forum of Interest in AMR

One of the missions of the RaDAR project is building awareness of the challenges of AMR, reaching a better coordination at EU level to tackle AMR, building strong partnerships, sharing experiences and aligning approaches.

Specifically, the project’s objectives are:
• to encourage cooperation between public buyers to promote the use of public procurement to contribute to the development of innovative solutions able to tackle their needs;
• To gather complementary knowledge from external organisations on the field of AMR;
• To create synergies with other organisations and/or initiatives and exchange lessons learned.

apid detection and effective infection control system for antimicrobial resistance

To respond to these proposed objectives, RaDAR has developed a Forum of Interest in AMR. The Forum provides an open platform to promote discussions and foster continuous communication and knowledge exchange on AMR, while building a sense of community between public buyers and other stakeholders. Members are therefore encouraged to share resources (articles, scientific publications, best practices, etc.) on the platform, which will also serve as an additional venue to share updates on RaDAR’s progress.

The end goals of the Forum are to ensure engagement with targeted stakeholders and promote the use of public procurement and encouraging cooperation towards the development of innovative solutions to face AMR challenges, not limited to the context of RaDAR’s project but also applicable in similar scenarios.

In addition to engaging with stakeholders via RaDAR’s Forum of Buyers, the RaDAR Consortium envisages plans to participate in the EC’s Big Buyers Platform. Still in Beta stage, this platform is a European Commission (DG Grow) Initiative for promoting collaboration between big public buyers in implementing strategic public procurement for sustainable solutions. It is designed to help drive market demand for innovative and sustainable products and services in Europe.

Being part of Big Buyers Platform will enable the RaDAR Consortium and members of its Forum of Buyers to create synergies with additional organisations and their initiatives, while exchanging lessons learned on innovation procurement.


The EU Health Policy Platform is a collaborative online tool that boosts discussions about public health concerns, share knowledge and best practice, through exchange with others and dissemination actions among a wide audience. The Web Platform facilitates online discussion, collaboration and holds frequent webinars, and is ideal for RaDAR’s goal of increasing the impact of public procurement on innovation, while also engaging in discussion with stakeholders and professionals to spread awareness and ideas on AMR.

RaDAR Consortium will make use of the Agora Network, which is a common discussion area accessible to all HPP users to inform about any new and/or coming event where RaDAR is participating. HPP users are mainly public organisations.