To facilitate and encourage collaboration between suppliers and participation of specialist SMEs, RaDAR is proud to present its Matchmaking Platform! Interested suppliers can now find potential partners in order to fulfil tender requirements. All those who wish to be included in the platform can do so by completing a quick form at the bottom of the page.
RaDAR matchmaking platform
Companies might choose to apply together with international partners in a joint manner to be able to fulfil all of the tender requirements. Those interested in matchmaking are invited to fill out a short form below to be included on the forum, make sure to scroll to the bottom of the page! Profiles will be posted to identify the best partnerships. You can click here to consult the User Guide and Terms & Regulations and here for the complete video tutorial.
For each supplier seeking partnerships, basic information in the form of tags is provided, along with a more detailed profile (including contact info) that will be visible by clicking on a specific company. Search tags aim to display, at a glance, the needs of the listed organisations. If you would like further information on potential suppliers, you can check out the Directory of Market Sounding Respondents on RaDAR’s procurement page.
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Join the Matchmaking platform.
To be listed on the matchmaking platform, please fill in the matchmaking form.