RaDAR Procurement
Anti-microbial resistance (AMR) is a significant and growing societal challenge. Innovation is needed to rapidly detect and control AMR in a number of settings, not least healthcare facilities and hospitals. The RaDAR project brings together healthcare buyers to undertake a collaborative procurement of rapid AMR detection and control systems.
PPI Awareness and Additional Resources
RaDAR Collab: A PPI Adventure Against AMR
The RaDAR Project is proud to present its own animated series on PPI to generate awareness on its benefits and potential. Episode 1: “AMR 101 – Understanding Antimicrobial Resistance” was launched on September 19th, 2024. The Consortium has also launched an initial video introducing Public Procurement of Innovation in early 2024. By clicking the button below, users will access all video materials and additional informative links to resources by the European Commission on PPI.
RaDAR Call for Tenders
Four Tenders against AMR
The ICO, UNINA and Resah RaDAR PPI calls for tender have been launched. When each of the tender is published, it will be communicated through our social media and when the four of them are finally released there will be a special edition of the RaDAR Newsletter for this important milestone. The RaDAR tenders are now CLOSED. Thank you to all the suppliers who have submitted an offer.
RaDAR InfoDay - November 21, 2023
Connect with Suppliers to Fight AMR
The RaDAR Consortium is organising an InfoDay on November 21, 2023 at 1:00 PM CET to present the latest information on the project and give the opportunity to potential suppliers to pitch their company, solutions and needs against AMR for Matchmaking purposes. Companies are invited to express their interest to participate in RaDAR’s InfoDay Pitching Session by midday 17 November CET.
Market Report Summary
The RaDAR Consortium invites you to read the MRS
RaDAR wishes to thank all those that have expressed interest in the forthcoming tender. Following the end of the Market Sounding phase, the project consortium provides this short summary as a general overview of the state of the market, also serving as a project update. You can download the Market Report Summary by clicking on the link below!
Bi-lateral meetings with RaDAR Buyers Group
The RaDAR Buyers Group opened to expression of interest from across the supply chain to participate in bi-lateral meetings
These individual meetings promoted exchanges between companies developing innovative solutions against AMR and the RaDAR Buyers Group, to understand the current and near-term market options to meet the needs of the Buyers. The meetings took place between Tuesday March 21 and Monday April 24 2023.
Open Market Consultation Events
The market sounding was followed by a series of Open Market Consultation (OMC) workshops
In case you want to revisit the events and the presented slides, please find here below the links:
Market Sounding and Consultation
The RaDAR Buyers Group has identified an unmet need for rapid detection of multi-drug resistant microorganisms (MDROs) and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) management and control systems.
The RaDAR Buyers Group is engaged in a phase of dialogue with the market in advance of a collaborative tendering process in the second half of 2023. The unmet needs and preliminary clinical demands are set out in a Market Sounding Prospectus (MSP).
At the end of 2023 the RaDAR Buyers Group will launch tenders for innovative solutions to address the challenge of AMR. In order to progress to tender in the most effective way, we want to understand the market’s ability to respond and how the Buyers can facilitate supply chain innovation against AMR.
Between November 2022 and February 2023 the Buyers published a market sounding and call for innovative solutions, to open a dialogue with the supply chain and provide an opportunity for potential solution providers to express interest and provide feedback.
The RaDAR Consortium expresses their gratitude to all who took the time to fill out the response form and provided insightful input that will allow the buyers group to refine their clinical demand specification and inform our collaborative tender specification in line with the market feedback.
Directory of Market Sounding Respondents
Please find here below a compilation of contact details of the companies that responded to the RaDAR Market Sounding (conducted from 25 November 2022 – 27 February 2023). These companies have consented to inclusion in this publication and the content they have provided is unaltered in any manner other than visual presentation to aid ease of use.
This company directory has been prepared solely in order to provide an efficient way for potential suppliers to communicate with each other in advance of any formal procurement. This Directory does not purport to contain an exhaustive list of future potential suppliers, nor does it suggest that any form of arrangement or agreement has been entered into with the organisations contained herein.
Responses to questions arising during the RaDAR Market Sounding and Consultation
During the RaDAR market sounding and consultation taking place between November 2022 and April 2023, the supply chain representatives and other interested parties were invited to submit questions to the consortium relating to aspects of the need, clinical demand, procurement process etc. The following document is a collation of these questions together with answers agreed among the buyers group and wider consortium.
Version 2 of this document has been updated to include the new questions from the Open market Consultation and Bi-lateral meetings.
Call for innovative solutions
This document is the second step in an Open Market Consultation (OMC) that began in March 2022 with the publication of a first Prior Information Notice (PIN) in the Official Journal of the European Union providing advance notice of a forthcoming tender concerning the collaborative procurement of innovative solutions to address the urgent need for rapid detection and effective infection control systems for antimicrobial resistance (AMR). The PIN invited all parts of the supply chain and other interested parties to register their interest. This process is now closed, and we are entering a new phase of detailed consultation.
To this end, a second PIN was published in November 2022 to launch a period of market sounding and open market consultation based on a more detailed presentation of the preliminary requirements of the four buyers involved in this collaborative procurement. (Note: there is no requirement to have registered prior interest in order to respond to this current call for solutions).
Who are the four buyers in the collaborative buyers forum?
Four European healthcare buyers have identified an unmet need for rapid detection of multi-drug resistant microorganisms (MDROs) and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) management and control systems to combat a serious and growing global problem.
- Resah
- Institut Català d’Oncología – ICO
- Servicio Vasco de Salud Osakidetza – OSAK
- Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Department of Public Health – UNINA-DISAP
What is market sounding?
Market sounding is a pre-tender activity. Its purpose is to provide advance notice of new requirements ahead of a tendering process and to help assess the appetite, capacity and capability of the market to respond to the customer’s requirements over time. This helps the customer to design an effective procurement strategy.
Do we need to complete the market response form in order to tender for the contracts?
No. This is not a call for competition or a pre-qualification exercise. It is a prior market sounding exercise to provide advance information of our requirements and open a dialogue with the supply chain. The feedback from the supply chain will be used to inform our future tender specifications and strategy.
Interested operators can participate in any future call for tenders or procurement process even if they did not participate in the prior market sounding and consultation. Participation in the market sounding and consultation will not be a requirement to submit a proposal to the tender, does not lead to any rights or privileges for the participants and is not part of a pre-qualification process.
Will our responses be evaluated?
No. Market sounding and consultation is not an evaluation of individual suppliers. It’s purpose is to assess the state of the market as a whole.
When will the tenders be published?
The indicative procurement timeline can be found in the Market Sounding Prospectus. Currently, we anticipate publishing the call for tender in the second half of 2023.
How many company representatives can register for the market events?
Each company can register up to three participants.
I have further questions, who should I contact?
We invite you to direct any other question to contact@radar-ppi.com.