
Abbott Rapid Diagnostics

Organization details

Area of expertise:​
Data management Decision support for smart AMR management Information and communication systems Integrated solution for rapid detection and smart AMR management and control Point of care testing
Company type:​
Private company
Seeking for:​
Data management Information and communication systems Other
Organization size:

More than 250

Headquarters country:




Contact person:

Jorge de Castro



Abbott is a Medical Device Company which works in the field of Laboratory diagnostic, diabetes,
nutritional products, and Point of Care and Rapid Tests. In this division, Abbott works on the
diagnostic of CardioMetabolic and Infectious diseases, including in the assessment of
parameters which predict the development of bacterial diseases, and which provide aid for the
antimicrobial treatment with Point of Care devices, such the C – Reactive Protein (CRP). We have
experience at Hospital level, but also at Primary Care and Urgency level.
These new tools are getting promoted in European Countries like Nordic, Netherlands, and in
Spain some regions are working on POC tools for the use of antibiotics and the assessment of the CRP at Primary Care level.

Seeking (additional informations)