

Organization details

Area of expertise:​
Data management Decision support for smart AMR management Information and communication systems Smart AMR management and control systems Use of AI in smart AMR management
Company type:​
Private company
Seeking for:​
Antimicrobial susceptibility testing Detection system for MDROs - after culture Detection system for MDROs - direct from sample Detection system to differentiate virus from bacteria Molecular detection of MDROs Point of care testing Rapid identification of microorganisms
Organization size:

Less than 50

Headquarters country:




Contact person:

Nouvelot xavier



LUMED is a company specialized in Clinical Decision Support System in the area of Infectious diseases espacialy in Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) as well as Antimicrobial Stewardship program (ASP) management
Solution for IPC:
Zinc porvides advanced decision support and automated monitoring capabilities, including real-time alerts and user notifications. it assits in the early identification of nosocomial infections by tracking all patients who meet the criteria of your infection Prevention and Control Program

Solution for ASP:
APSS was developed to become the foundation of local and regional antimicrobial stewardship programs, improving the quality of care and patient health with seamless integration into you current clinical workflow. APSS oversees and facilitates the interaction between infection diseases specialists and clinical pharmacists

Seeking (additional informations)

In order to fulfill the full need of the RADAR project we are looking to merge our rssources with companies able to do the IVD part of the AMR approach