

Organization details

Area of expertise:​
Antimicrobial susceptibility testing Data management Detection system for MDROs – after culture Detection system for MDROs – direct from sample Information and communication systems Integrated solution for rapid detection and smart AMR management and control Open platform Point of care testing Rapid identification of microorganisms Use of AI in smart AMR management
Company type:​
Start up
Seeking for:​
Decision support for smart AMR management Detection system to differentiate virus from bacteria Molecular detection of MDROs Other Smart AMR management and control systems Supply chain integration
Organization size:

Less than 50

Headquarters country:




Contact person:

Vincent Jamier



Sens Solutions is a disruptive SME developing monitoring systems combined with AI for the detection of pathogenic microorganisms (Legionella, listeria, aspergillus, etc), chemicals and physical contaminants for water and air.

YouTube video presentation https://acortar.link/SndgGS
We have won the Anti Superbugs innovation tender https://antisuperbugs.eu/ and EU project monitoring of air quality related to children’s cognitive development https://inchildhealth.eu/

Awarded the Solar Impulse efficiency seal.

More information https://bit.ly/3MMwzjD

Seeking (additional informations)