Vicomtech is a non-profit applied research centre specialising in Artificial Intelligence, Visual Computing and Interaction, located in San Sebastian and Bilbao, Spain.
Among its 230 employees, more than 160 are researchers (+55 PhD) dedicated to the field of applied research. Vicomtech has researchers with a strong experience on several fields of IT. Due to the direct contact to several industries from different sectors (Engineering, Transport, Medical, etc.), the researchers are experts in bringing innovation to the companies with the latest advances in research.
The Department of Digital Health & Biomedical Technologies of Vicomtech has over 10 years’ experience in the research and development of graphics, imaging, computer vision, interaction, information and artificial intelligence technology for the medical, clinical, health, biology, biotechnology and pharmaceutical sectors. The Department has 35 researchers, closely cooperating with clinical institutions and industrial partners in more than 60 R&I projects for computer-assisted diagnosis, therapy planning, intervention and follow-up, hospital information management, clinical decision support, support for biomedical research and clinical studies, telemedicine and home care and assistive technologies.
The Department is built upon 5 research lines: E-Health and Decision Support Systems, Healthy Living and Ageing, Precision Medicine and New Therapies, Image Analys and AI, and Biga Data.
Within RaADAR-PPI, Vicomtech is interested to provide expertise in the following domains, in consortia submitting bids to the tenders issued by the 4 Buyers, but specially the ones to be published by Osakidetza and ICO.
Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) for the smart management of AMR with the following modules:
• Digital AMR management guidelines/protocols.
• Predictive models for CDSS using AI (Machine Learning/Deep Learning solutions).
• Smart clinical guidelines to update automatically the knowledge.
• Visual Analytics tool.